I am a knowledge monger, but knowledge without love is a senseless pursuit, pursue what you love to do first.
Carlos Leyva
Largo, FL 33770
[email protected]
I am a veteran of the technology industry and now practice law with The Digital Business Law Group P.A. (www.digitalbusinesslawgroup.com ). We practice "digital law" otherwise known as cyberlaw. For all intents and purposes our national law practice is exclusively an online business. Most of our clients come from, and nearly all of our marketing efforts are directed to, the web. In other words, we eat the same dog food as our clients. Our online marketing campaigns drive our business. If you want to learn more about cyberlaw check out our tutorials at http://www.digitalbusinesslawgroup.com/tutorials.html.
I also continue to publish the web-tones at LawTechTV blog (www.LawTechTV.com) . This blog focuses on cyberlaw, enabling technologies, and other "stuff" that strikes my interest on any given day.
music, literature, health care, the law, collaboration and collaborative platforms, writing, politics, basketball, and public education (not necessarily in that order on any given day).